Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm baaaaaaack

I thought I'd give Tumblr a test run because all the kids were on it just as they were on Facebook. But it was cool while it lasted. I'm back in this joint.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

As the sunsets.


The time of the sunset is the time of photo ops for me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The boss of the bosses.

We always look at epic fails. Here's an epic win for you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My oh my.

I've started school. I take my camera everywhere I go. There's always gonna be something to take a picture of. I've been so focused on shooting pictures that I need to catch up on my music game. But I have so many projects to work on. The T.A.P. project, the people pointing project, and the 4 seasons. Someone needs to hollur at me. I'm trying to be productive this season of fall.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Relax Nero. Relax.

I'm still jocking this photo. And for some reason I was super tired at Arleezy's house but when I sit in front of the computer I want to stay up. Dammit.

View On Black

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy belated one year to me.

I just came back from Arlene's house. I've been running around this whole day trying to figure out what to do. Plans backfired but things started to fall into place. We went to Nijo Castle for a teppanyaki dinner then headed to Santana Row to grab some Pink Berry. Arlene was wearing high heels knowing that she was already tall, me standing next to her wasn't the business. I'm still taller but it's just weird that we meet eye to eye physically. But we didn't make it to the movie. The Ugly Truth or Paper Heart. Two films I would like to see. We just settled with going back to the East Bay and head for more froyo in Union City and watching I Love You, Man with Marky and Shelby. I love those fools.


FOOD!!! Minus the Dragon Roll we ate there that I didn't take a picture of.

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Arlene ordered the Salmon.

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I got the Teriyaki steak.

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We went to Santana Row for some Pink Berry.