Tuesday, February 10, 2009

acoustics are soo much more intimate

Don't forget to look up summer romance acoustic by Incubus.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home sweet home.

So after a long Friday my girlfriend and I decide to go to Premier to catch the end of the sale. So cherishing her days off for her to go shopping for clothes that she can't wear to work.
You got to love the decent Blackberry Curve Camera
This is my lovely girlfriend trying to beat closing time to Premier.


Blue Lumber Jack Alifes and Black all leather Half Cabs

New spot "Kinders" because the Denny's free Grand Slam was not worth waiting for.

But good weekend. I don't know what I'd do if my girlfriend didn't have her days off. You guys don't understand. Great Super Bowl with great family. Even with the In Laws. I hope you feel better darling. Valentine's Day count down 12 more days.

Bored at school.

I've been hella bored at school. So this is what I made in the computer lab on Publisher.

It's nothing to artsy but it gets the point across.


I love my crew.